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Netherlands Antilles | Algeria | Argentina | Armenia |

Australia | Austria | Bahamas | Barbados |

Belgium | Benin | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Belarus |

Bolivia | Brazil | Bulgaria | Burkina Faso |

Canada | Chile | China | Côte d'Ivoire |

Cameroon | Colombia | Croatia | Cuba |

Cyprus | Czech Republic | Denmark | Dominican Republic |

Ecuador | Egypt | El Salvador | Spain |

Estonia | Finland | France | Great Britain |

Georgia | Germany | Ghana | Greece |

Guatemala | Haiti | Hong Kong | Hungary |

Indonesia | India | Iran | Ireland |

Iceland | Israel | Italy | Jamaica |

Japan | Kazakhstan | Korea | Kuwait |

Latvia | Lebanon | Lithuania | Luxembourg |

Madagascar | Morocco | Moldova | Mexico |

Macedonia | Monaco | Montenegro | Namibia |

Netherlands | Nigeria | Norway | New Zealand |

Pakistan | Paraguay | Peru | Philippines |

Poland | Portugal | Romania | South Africa |

Russia | Senegal | Serbia | Slovenia |

Solomon Islands | Sri Lanka | Switzerland | Slovakia |

Sweden | Syria | Thailand | Togo |

Chinese Taipei | Tunisia | Turkey | United Arab Emirates |

Ukraine | Uruguay | United States | Uzbekistan |

Venezuela | Zimbabwe |